On Cleansing (Cast Iron Pan Theory)

I call it Cast Iron Pan Theory. Cast iron pans should not be washed with soap very often, and when they are, they need to be re-seasoned. The seasoning is what makes cast iron so special. I think witchcraft works the same way.

There are some people that do a lot of magical cleansing. They cleanse their spaces, they cleanse their objects, they cleanse themselves– and that is not how I operate. Things (and especially divination tools) have their own spirits and experiences, and I don’t want to get rid of or reset that unless it’s absolutely necessary.

Don’t get me wrong, cleansing has its place in my practice. It’s not like I NEVER cleanse anything– it can be an effective solution to a specific problem. I just think it’s often much too harsh, as well as unnecessary for what I am trying to achieve. It’s not my default.

I also feel this way about warding. Once again, it has its place– if an entity or spirit was being problematic, I would absolutely tell it to stop and put up protections. But I don’t see why it has to be the default. I don’t ward my house, and I don’t create magical protections when I do a working. If someone or something has a message for me, I absolutely want to hear it. That doesn’t mean I don’t have boundaries, but I think it’s wrong to assume that entities automatically wish you ill.

I think a lot of the culture surrounding cleansing and warding in modern witchcraft is a result of the West’s Christian history and its focus on purity. Of course there are other traditions that involve ritual cleansing, and if you want it to be part of your practice, you have my blessing.

But I often ask myself: why do we need our witchcraft items to be cleansed? What if instead they were broken-in, and well-loved, by ourselves or their creators or the earth?

The No-Cleanse Lifestyle

Unlike other witches, I don’t DO cleansing.

Sometimes, there are exceptions. If something has “bad energy” surrounding it (like things that I love but were given to me by an ex-partner), I will cleanse it. If my tarot deck is giving me weird repeats, I take note of their message (then make a Facebook post about it), and then I give them a gentle cleanse. Occasionally you need to press the restart button without wiping your hard drive.

To me, my witchcraft tools (and other things, including myself) are like a trusty cast iron pan. They’re seasoned with energy, and I don’t want to strip that away. I don’t want to cleanse my 130-year-old rented house of its spirits. I don’t want to cleanse my crystals of the things they learned in the earth. I especially don’t want to cleanse myself of the energy I exude, the way I fill the air because I’m never quiet.

Some would say I’m a hoarder. I was raised that way. My father, when I was very young, built a barn in his backyard, the residents of which were cars without engines, every dish my mother had inherited, and all the books my brother and I outgrew. I have watched him pick through the trash to rescue a months-old, torn-up magazine that my brother discarded. I think it started during his brush with homelessness, but I also think it’s in my genetics to never get rid of anything. Every marble feels like an ancient artifact, if you look at it the right way. Every notebook is an old friend. Every coin you find is buried treasure. Everyone in my family is like this.

I’m the same way when it comes to memories, too. If someone offered me a miraculous chance to forget about the traumas that gave me PTSD, I wouldn’t take it. Some would say I’m holding grudges, but in reality, I am lovingly holding all the parts of me– even those that bring me pain– just for being a part of me. I need to learn to deal with the memories, work WITH what my energetic body has picked up, and never shy away from the truth of what humans can do.

Some people cleanse all the time, every day. They cleanse their crystals in the light of the full moon, they sage their auras, they purge their homes.

That’s not me.

I will never be pure.

Gentle cleansing ideas:

-put selenite on top of it for a few hours

-wave it over the flame of a light-colored candle

-place it in front of the mirror while you take a shower

-cup it in your hand and whisper to it through your fingers