Upcoming Patreon Offerings!

Listen. I don’t blog to make money. I have been there and it sucks. However, I would like to be able to keep hosting this blog. Therefore, download-ables (which I have been planning on making for a while) will be hosted in my Patreon shop. Yes, I have a Patreon! This will help me out with the costs of running the site, as well as ensure you have a safe and secure place to download additional content from me.

Each downloadable/printable/ebook will be priced at the minimum that Patreon allows ($3) and will be worth at least that much. You can buy the ones you’re interested in OR you can become a patron for $5/month and download all of them for no additional cost. (Patreon takes a small cut of each sale or monthly renewal.)

Things I plan on offering:

  • Oracle card worksheet based on 21 Ways to Read a Tarot Card which will help you get to know every single card of any oracle deck you want to learn to use
  • You Feel Like Shit workbook and worksheet based on the popular twine, a self-care guide for everyone who struggles with executive dysfunction. Includes a quick guide that you can print as well as space for your own notes on each self-care activity, like (for example) favorite grounding exercises. Created with permission from the original creator.
  • Pagan prayers and devotionals that I have written, which you can yoink directly or use as inspiration for writing your own.
  • Meditation scripts that I have written and use in my own practice.
  • Zines
  • Book notes

If you haven’t already, please check out my Patreon! You can become a member today OR you can hit the three dots in the corner and click “Follow” to be notified when I post something new (for free!)

Making Good Choices on the Regular!

Recovery/reclamation (my preferred term for improving your brain) is about making good choices consistently.

Maybe don’t worry about making the perfect choice because, unfortunately, then you might get stuck.

When you are confronted with a crossroads, make it a habit to take a breath (easier said than done) and make a good choice instead of a bad one.

You cannot magically stop yourself from being mentally ill. It’s just not gonna happen. But you can minimize your symptoms by, for example:

  • eating consistently and in reasonably healthy ways
  • prioritizing healthy relationships over unhealthy ones
  • going for a walk when it’s nice out
  • meditating or doing stretches when it’s nice out
  • avoiding self-sabotage in general

Taking that pause definitely takes practice, but you can always do baby steps! Start with making a good choice when it’s easy and move on to when it’s harder!

I have made a lot of bad choices. Just in general. But they were the best choices I knew how to make at the time and I am still truckin’ and makin’ good choices as much as possible, just like I always have been. I’m just better at it now!

Addendum: Sometimes bad choices feel like good choices. You can be on the lookout for this if something feels too good to be true. Real happiness and healthiness (in the brain and in relationships) feels steady-good and sometimes hard but ultimately worth it.