Bullet Journal in a Happy Planner: The Key

This quick post will discuss the symbols I use in my Happy Planner Bullet Journal, which is just like any other Bullet Journal except the pages can be added, taken out, and rearranged.

The symbols I use, on my calendar and elsewhere, are:

  • A dash for notes, of any type.
  • A square for tasks. The original Bullet Journal method prescribes dots for tasks, but I don’t feel that that stands out enough. Squares are also more satisfying to check off.
  • A star for “anything I have to show up to.” This includes appointments (video and in-person), irregular work shifts, or any event with a specific date and time. As a freelancer, it was important for me to note meeting times, since the rest of my days were unstructured.
  • A circle for due dates. This was very important during my career as a freelancer, and I’m sure will be important again as I go into grad school. I also use it for library books. Using a symbol specifically for due dates eliminates the need to write “_____ due,” saving space. It also allows me to scan for upcoming paperwork I need to turn in or bills I have to pay.

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