Writer’s Block: A Quick Solution

Many writers treat writer’s block as a punishment handed down from on high. There are all sorts of superstitions about how to cure writer’s block, and while they might work for their espousers, they seldom work for anyone else.

There is a reason why it is called writer’s block and not photographer’s block. While all arts are challenging and take skill and persistence (it’s not a contest!), writers often have longer works over a period of time (whether that’s a fiction book or a collection of shorter works) that require them to make more decisions. After all, anything can happen in a story, and the initial premise often doesn’t completely decide where the plot is going. Even if it’s not a story, most written forms do have some sort of narrative, and there are lots of decisions to be made.

Writer’s block is ultimately the refusal to make a decision. There may be many good reasons for that, and I’m not here to judge you, but it is not an inability. It’s not a supernatural malady that has struck you, and it’s definitely curable.

To combat writer’s block, I recommend intentionally making a decision about your work. It could be a big decision (which often resolves the problem entirely!) or it could be a small decision just to get jump-started. I recommend recording this decision in a journal or a notebook (maybe one you have dedicated to the project?) just to get it down and out of your head. If you’re not sure what decision you want to make, you can freewrite or journal or type about it (in a separate document!).

Notice that the title of this post is a “quick” solution, and not an “easy” one. There is no easy path to take when you’re making a decision about your work. It might feel like pulling teeth. Reaching down deep within yourself and making the right decision for you is a skill that you have been developing (purposely or accidentally) throughout your whole life.

Remember, you are going to edit anyway. If your decision turns out to be a mistake, you can reverse it!

Coming up soon is my book on how to write poetry for beginners, based on my experiences in an undergrad Creative Writing program and as a professional writer. Stay tuned!

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